Give us your feedback (completely anonymous)!

In order to continually improve our presentation, we would like to invite you to take part in this survey.
Answering takes less than 4 minutes. Please also use the opportunity (at the end of this questionnaire)
to give us your personal critique.


1. General

1.1 How did you find us?
(check all that apply
Search engine / research
Newspaper article
Television report
Link on the internet
Counseling network
Banner / button
1.2 Which section of 4Uman did you find particularly
interesting or helpful? (check all that apply)
Personality Test
Psychological Test
Fitness Test
Relationship Test
Argument or Violence?
Spiral of Violence
Costs - Benefits Analysis
Violence Counseling
Counseling Centers
Standing Up for What's Right
At the Lawyer's Office
4Uman Intro
Specialized Publications

2. Structure, form and content

2.1 How would you rate the
clarity of 4Uman's
very clear
2.2 How would you rate
the design of 4Uman?
I liked it a lot
I liked it
It's okay
I didn't like it
2.3 How do you judge the information
presented by 4Uman?
very informative
not very informative
not informative

2.4 Which themes do
you feel are missing?

2.5 Would you recommend 4Uman?


3. About you

3.1 Sex:


3.2 How old are you?
Up to 20 years old
21-30 years old
31-40 years old
41-50 years old
51-60 years old
Over 60 years old

3.3 What is your level
of education?
Secondary school
Intermediate high school certificate
High school diploma
Technical college

3.4 For what purposes do you mainly use 4Uman?
Professional use (go to question 4)
Personal use (go to question 5)


4. Professional Use

4.1 What is your field of work?
Advice counseling
Social work
The law / police
University / Technical college
4.2 For which of the following reasons did you visit 4Uman? (check all that apply; then go to question 6)
Looking for information / research
I wanted to take a look at 4Uman
Interest in violence counseling
For no specific reason


5 Personal use

5.2 For which of the following reasons did you visit 4Uman?
(check all that apply)
Looking for information / research
I wanted to take a look at 4Uman
General interest in violence counseling
I'm looking for help
For no specific reason


6 Personal use, Commentary

6.1 Would you say that for
your purposes 4Uman was ...
very helpful
not very helpful
no help at all
6.2 Suggestions as well as positive
feedback are welcome! With your
consent, we would like to add your
comments to our guest book.
6.3 With regard to the publishing of
my comments in the guest book:
I consent
I do not consent

This is NO SPAM

Many thanks for taking the time to answer these questions.